About Me
For anyone who knows me personally, I don't expect that there will be anything terribly new or particularly enlightening here. However, for those lucky enough to have not been cajoled into visiting through my insistence in person, I suppose a brief introduction would be in order, and as I'm loathe to talk about myself, brief it shall be. For me to lay out the minute personal details would likely only be tedious to both myself and you, the reader, so I guess the best course of action would be to provide just enough background to provide context to what you'll find here.
I am a staunch advocate of privacy and FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source software), and I avoid proprietary software as much as is practicable. As such, just about anything related to computing will likely be linux-focused in nature. As of the time of writing (March 2022), I haven't willingly used a Windows machine in about 5 years, and for the 5 or so years previous to that, my only Windows usage was for video games—which, thankfully, are becoming more linux-friendly by the day. I have never owned an Apple product, and haven't used one since the mid-90s era Power Macintosh machines that adorned the computer lab of my middle school.
My first foray into the linux world, as I'm sure is the case with a large number of linux users, was with Ubuntu. I don't recall the exact time, but it was likely in the vicinity of late 2007–early 2008, as Dapper Drake was the LTS release available, and Hardy Heron was in the works. Since then, I'd primarily used Debian/Ubuntu-based distros with a smattering of Fedora around the time of versions 13–15. In the summer of 2021, I finally "made the leap" and installed Arch onto my desktop, and it has since remained my distro of choice for personal computing.
Being born and raised in Northeast Ohio, I spent my entire life as die-hard Cleveland Browns fan—that is, until they sold their future and their souls to make a serial sexual predator the face of their franchise. Aside from the obvious interest in computers and the like implied above, some of my other interests include tabletop role playing games, politics, and activism.
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I am a staunch advocate of privacy and FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source software), and I avoid proprietary software as much as is practicable. As such, just about anything related to computing will likely be linux-focused in nature. As of the time of writing (March 2022), I haven't willingly used a Windows machine in about 5 years, and for the 5 or so years previous to that, my only Windows usage was for video games—which, thankfully, are becoming more linux-friendly by the day. I have never owned an Apple product, and haven't used one since the mid-90s era Power Macintosh machines that adorned the computer lab of my middle school.
My first foray into the linux world, as I'm sure is the case with a large number of linux users, was with Ubuntu. I don't recall the exact time, but it was likely in the vicinity of late 2007–early 2008, as Dapper Drake was the LTS release available, and Hardy Heron was in the works. Since then, I'd primarily used Debian/Ubuntu-based distros with a smattering of Fedora around the time of versions 13–15. In the summer of 2021, I finally "made the leap" and installed Arch onto my desktop, and it has since remained my distro of choice for personal computing.
Being born and raised in Northeast Ohio, I spent my entire life as die-hard Cleveland Browns fan—that is, until they sold their future and their souls to make a serial sexual predator the face of their franchise. Aside from the obvious interest in computers and the like implied above, some of my other interests include tabletop role playing games, politics, and activism.

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